Coming up are a couple horror conventions with a huge list of guests and vendors. I've been to many before and they are always a ton of fun. Luckily, this year I'll be renting a vendor for the first time at a few conventions. It's been a hectic couple of months; updating business cards and bought a new banner. I've also created a website,
Here is our new banner.

The best news so far, I'll be releasing at least two new masks for the convention and so far it's going well but I'm quickly running out of time.
Below is some quick concept art of our upcoming projects.

I'm just about to finish the details of newest mask sculpture, with only skin texture and hair to go. Once I finish the details I'll be able to create my prototype.
For now, here is a mask I just finished for a small production company. It went from design to prototype within 15 days but I really liked how it turned out. I've also posted my original design.

Here is our new banner.

The best news so far, I'll be releasing at least two new masks for the convention and so far it's going well but I'm quickly running out of time.
Below is some quick concept art of our upcoming projects.

I'm just about to finish the details of newest mask sculpture, with only skin texture and hair to go. Once I finish the details I'll be able to create my prototype.
For now, here is a mask I just finished for a small production company. It went from design to prototype within 15 days but I really liked how it turned out. I've also posted my original design.